Summer 2018, Foundation Update

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your interest and support of the MAP Education & Research Foundation. The Foundation continues to successfully encourage mental health and medical professionals to work together when evaluating and treating sexual problems.  Below is an update on some key Foundation highlights from the first half of 2018. 

It cannot be emphasized enough how invaluable these STP Awards are to relieving future suffering, by generating understanding and motivating passionate commitment from the next generation of healthcare providers. Subsequent to presenting the first STP award, we received an email from SSTAR Board’s “Early Career Prof. Representative” stating: “What a great initiative! On behalf of the students and early career professionals, thank you for sharing this information and facilitating the STP awards!”  

We will need to raise an additional $225,000 to endow those initiatives and sustain the current program.

  • The American Urological Association (AUA) invited me to present the Foundation’s Sexual Tipping Point Model to an international audience at their May, 2018 AUA Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The presentation was very well received and attended by thousands of urologists.
  • Psychology Today invited me to Blog about the Foundation’s Sexual Tipping Point concepts. That Blog has over 5000 views in less than 3 weeks. The initial two posts described the Foundation’s Sexual Tipping Point Model providing a resource for healthcare professionals. Future posts will be written for the general public beginning with how fatigue causes sex problems. The extremely positive response from students to the Blog continues to be both gratifying and humbling!
  • Hundreds of the Foundation’s publications and presentations (all available free) continue being downloaded from  We have over 15,000 views from healthcare clinicians, researchers and students from over 130 different institutions representing 65 different countries as of June 30, 2018. 
  • Over 30,000 excerpts from our textbook,  Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women have been downloaded from the Springer Publishing site!  Colleagues write to us about using the STP Model to help their patients and students better understand sexual disorders and how to restore sexual health.

If you have any questions about the Foundation and its work, or would like to help its efforts, please contact me directly. 

While primarily for professional viewing, please check out and share your suggestions regarding that website and/or the STP Psychology Today Blog.

Finally, we thank our Foundation’s board members (Susan Bevan, Dan FitzPatrick, Scott Higgins, and John Lyddane) for their support and guidance.  

Hope you found this update of interest and that you are having a wonderful summer.

Best to all—Michael


Fatigue: “Not Tonight Dear, I’m Too Tired.”

How the Sexual Tipping Point Model Can Help You: "Tell your doctor about your condition,” does not always solve the problem.

Sexual Tipping Point® A Framework to Achieve Sexual Balance